If you don't have a smile, I'll give you one of mine.

Stop taking life seriously so often. Seriously!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Seasons, Colors, and Captives

Seasons are great, aren't they? We all seem to think so. They give us a little variety in this mundane world. Honestly, don't we all get to the point where sporting another scarf will just push us over the edge? But then comes spring, and you can convert to a thin turtle neck or lightweight jacket. Phew. T-h-a-n-k y-o-u season shift. In the summer we swim. In the Winter we ski. In the fall we do homework. Oh we would simply go mad from boredom without our bosom friends spring, summer, fall and winter, would we not? However, a word of caution my fellow internet users. DO NOT GIVE INTO THE CUNNING OF SEASONS! Hear my cry brethren! Few of us suspect the magnitude of their powers. They do more than just get us away from keeping the same prosaic rigamaroll. Truth be told, they are really the scrivengers of our future, singing the sirens potent tunes... Heed my words fellow homo sapiens. For your beloved seasons are masters, dusguised as monotony control, while really we are their slaves! Let me unmask these creatures for what they really are...

Season 1: Ah, Spring! The world is alive again, and so are those hormones. The hues of flowers set us in the mood for romance. Oh delight... No. Okay, for real, is it just me or does everyone get engaged right at the end of spring? No. It's not just me. I have a facebook events list of wedding invitations to prove it. Spring fever is a very real virus. people, and it's aftermath is unmasked by the toll of wedding bells. Spring will shove you over the altar and those poor chimes will ring till they nearly fall from their bell towers, just previous to summer's introduction. Devious!

Season 2: Summer--Schools out! Summer arrives and we relax. We feel very little responsibility and reason to commit to anything serious. Oh wait? Hmm. Could summer's influencial attitude be the reason most relationships cannot survive this hot and hellish season? Maybe so. Maybe definately. Summer is a destroyer of love! (Name that movie!)

Season 3: Fall--In the great words of Winnie the Pooh, "Happy Autums Day Owl." Fall comes, and, yes Pooh Bear, it can be very happy. Citizens get new school clothes, new friends, and even new personalities. The trees shed their old leaves and we too molt some of our old habits away. We can see we've matured, and golly gee wiz doesn't that feel nice? But wait! What happens to those cast off flaws? Like the leaves we have to rake up those darn things and look them in the face, jump in them, and roll around. We see what we were and realize we should continue to improve even more. Homework piles up. We roll in that too. Pressure builds. Mid terms and finals cackle at our poor souls. All around us we see yellow, orange and red--the colors of hell's furnace! Fall is a time we fall into ssstttreeeesssss. Oy!

Season 4: Winter--What do we see in the winter? Green and red decorations, everywhere. The color red stands for passion. And what does green mean? Fertility. Let us not forget also that it's cold outside, encouraging couples to engage in snuggling, among other things. Happy holidays to be sure! Winter is the season of conceiving... Err. I mean like we should all be able to conceive and comprehend what life is all about. Set those new years goals and spend time with family. Oh winter, you season you. People think you're all about death with your frostiness, but I know you better than that. You are all about LIFE! In every sense of the word. Except the cereal. A warm breakfast is better when you are with us. Hey wait! You even control what we eat! Tricky, tricky...

I'm Marie, and my philosophy is that there is a season for everything. Not all of us succomb to the controling energy of Earth's cycle, but many of us do. And hey, for those of us that do, thats A OKAY. Marriage, weeding out the unlikelies in dating, improving and working, and enjoying the holidays are very wonderful things. Also, as the seasons change so do we. Each season influences us differently. So if you really want to get to know someone you should get a glimpse of them in each season. Weather holds us captive, but as for me I'm held captivated by new experiances and the lovely look of all the seasons :P

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