If you don't have a smile, I'll give you one of mine.

Stop taking life seriously so often. Seriously!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Universe Groove

Ever seen or heard something like this?

Guy: "Hey."
Girl: "Oh hey. How are you?"
Guy: "Good! Doin good..."
Girl: "That's good."
Guy: "Yep."
(Awkward pause)

And then what happens? They both start to say something at the exact same time, and things become even more uncomfortable. Relatable? Cha! It happens all the time! And does no one care or question the science behind this!?! Well folks, I do.

Invisible forces hug and snuggle our little world.  Gravity would be the most familiar friend. Puuulllll! However, there are also many breeds of light invisible to human eye balls. Shhhiinngg! So many hidden energies whirl around us like a violent ballet. Whoosh! Whaa! Lalalala! Hear ye, hear ye! I suggest that it is now time for an unrecognized force to finally take it's rightful place on the stage. His name? Universe Groove.

 There is a pulse  The vastness of space has a beat that we can neither see nor feel, yet surely has influence. Thats how people start talking, singing, dancing, whatever, at the exact same time without collaboration. We all have a heart beat. Perhaps the universe has one of it's own. Aww. And it's pulse sings to us all. Awwww!

Scientific proof you ask for? I'll give you proof. Awkward interuptions.

Boom baby! I didn't even have to use chemistry beakers or litmus paper to support that one. Kachow.

I'm Marie and my philosophy is that this crazy universe is one groovy dude.

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